
“This collection draws inspiration from the Golem, a figure from Jewish mythology. Made from clay or mud, the Golem traditionally serves as a protector in times of adversity but is capable of invoking fear once peace is restored. The function of the Golem changes depending on its context. While some see the Golem as a villain, others view it as a victim. The Golem is thus in perpetual limbo, unable to fulfill an ultimate purpose; it's malleable, ever shifting.”

— Jesse McBrearty, for Parsons School of Design

“Hot off the press—the 2021 Senior Thesis Exhibitions book by Amanda Asciutto, Catherine Cain, Ashlinn Casey, Laura Foley, Alejandra Garcia, Mack Hurstell, Bawila Idris, Jesse McBrearty, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Vittoria Orlando, Sofia Riley, Justin Schwartz, and Julia Taylor is now available. Edited by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock with a fantastic cover design by Natalie Norman-Kehe. 142 pages of amazing work by our graduating artists!”

Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock, for Fordham University